
Solid Concrete Walls


By Stalin Britto

By Ethan Davis

a. Know the approximate weight of your load and make certain any material handling equipment you may op-erate to move materials is rated to handle the weight of the load. (Never exceed the manufacturer’s recom-mended safe working load for any material handling equipment. Doing so increases the probability of equipment failure, dumping of the load, personal injuries and/or damage to materials, the facility, etc).

b. Lift heavy objects as instructed, with the leg muscles and not with the back. On average, do not manually lift over 50 pounds.

c. Call for assistance as needed for handling heavy or bulky objects or materials.

d. Use an appropriate, approved lifting device (i.e. special trucks, racks, hoists, and other devices) for lifting very heavy, bulky, large or unyielding objects.

e. All ropes, chains, cables, slings, etc., and other hoisting equipment must be inspected prior to each use.

f. A load should never be lifted and left unattended.

g. Wear safety gloves when handling materials that pose cutting exposures.

h. Properly stack and secure all materials prior to lifting or moving to prevent sliding, falling, or collapse.

i. Avoid moving or lifting loads by hand whenever possible.